Pentangle was formed in 1967 by John Renbourn and Bert Jansch two guitarists who had both already recorded as solo artists since 1965. Both musicians had recorded together 'Bert and John' in 1966 for 'Transatlantic'. Jacqui Mc Shee who joined the band on vocals had already worked with John Renbourn on his first solo record. The rhythm section was formed by Danny Thompson on double bass and Terry Cox on drums and percussion, both former sidemen of Alexis Korner in his band ALEXIS KORNER BLUES INCORPORATED.
PENTANGLE played a mixture of Jazz and Folk with Blues-elements, influences that the band integrated in their debut record 'The Pentangle' which was produced by Shel Talmy. The same year PENTANGLE released their second record 'Sweet child' a double LP consisting of live and studio tracks and containing among others two compositions by Charlie Mingus 'Haitian Fight Song' and 'Goodbye Pork Pie hat'. In 1969 they released their masterpiece 'Basket of Light' , a commercial success including the single 'Light Flight' which served as the theme song to the UK television series 'Take three girls'. PENTANGLE released three other records, 'Cruel sister' in 1970, 'Reflection' in 1971 and 'Solomon's seal' in 1972, before breaking up in 1973. While Bert Jansch and John Renbourn continued as solo artists, the latter with singer Jacqui Mc Shee in the JOHN RENBOURN BAND, Danny Thompson and Terry Cox returned to session work. The original line up reformed in 1982 for a European and Australian tour. John Renbourn left before the release of the 1985 record 'Open the door' and was replaced by Mike Piggott. For the next ten years the band continued to record with changing outfits, 'So Early in the Spring' (1988), 'Think of Tomorrow' (1991), 'One More Road' (1991) and a live record in 1994 'Pentangle Live 1994'. In 1995 Jacqui Mc Shee recorded together with Gerry Conway, Spencer Cozens and guest musicians 'About Thyne. This record was the starting point for JACQUI MC SHEE'S PENTANGLE a refreshed PENTANGLE that released 'Passe Avant' in 1989, the live record 'At the Little Theatre' in 2000 and 'Feoffee's Land' in 2005. The PENTANGLE records recorded between 1968 and 1972 are highly recommended. • Text by Martin 'Alucard' Horst - PROG ARCHIVES
Más información:
• Página oficial de The Pentangle • Página de The Pentangle en All Music • Comprar álbumes de The Pentangle
Just for Testing Purposes:
• Listen "The Pentangle" • Listen CD1 and Listen CD2 "Sweet Child" • Listen 1 and Listen 2 "Basket of Light" • Listen "Cruel Sister" • Listen "Reflection" • Listen "Solomon´s Seal"
All these links belongs to other blogs and music sites (Fontenelle Days) (OldRock) (Chrisgoesrock) (Cuckoo´s Nest) ThatWasMusic don´t host, store or upload any file. We just search the web for you. Remember that you should buy the record if you like what you hear. Support the artists. • • • Todos los links de ThatWasMusic han sido encontrados en Internet y pertenecen a otros blogs y webs de tema musical. ThatWasMusic no hospeda, almacena ni sube ficheros a la red. Simplemente busca por ti. Recuerda que debes comprar los discos originales si lo que escuchas te gusta. Apoya a los artistas siempre


3 comentarios:
¡Qué pedazo de banda! ¡Qué par de guitarristas!, sin menospreciar a la sección rítmica con sus influencias jazzísticas y a la etérea voz de Jacqui.
Mi favorito es "Sweet child" pero todos sus discos son extraordinarios.
Lo más sorprendente es que todos menos Terry (que vive en Mallorca)siguen en activo, John girando con otro grande (Robin Williamson) y Bert ni más ni menos va a emprender una gira en EEUU con Neil Young.
Las carreras de ambos "guitar heroes" se merecen como mínimo un post por separado para cada una.
Pues sí, Pepe, ¡qué gran grupo fueron y qué maravillas grabaron! Por descontado, tienes razón: John Renbourn y Bert Jansch serán protagonistas futuros de entradas individuales en éste, tu blog. Gracias por participar y dejar constancia de tu paso.
Un abrazo
No puedo añadir nada a lo dicho por Julio y por Pepe. Solo que , para mi, en este grupo en el que todos sus discos son imprescindibles yo destacaría Sweet Child y Cruel Sister...el que no los haya escuchado nunca que empiece, quizá, por Cruel.
Un grupazo; lo que quiere decir, para mi, que es algo diferente y mucho mejor aun que la suma de los componentes.
Jose Ignacio
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